Mephisto- The Green Scene


What an interesting film, to say the least. This film is very well put together and has a very intriguing story of a man obsessed with success and finds meaning in life by turning his back on the people that love him and knows best for him. I loved the shots in this movie, the lighting, and the mise- en -scene.

One scene that stood out was the scene where the German Chancellor brings aside Hendrik Hoefgen. The aura of the scene and the mysterious feel the scene gave off was absolutely marvelous. The green light that is intensified from underneath the players made me realize the irony of Hendrik as Mephisto and the motif of The Chancellor calling him Mephisto when in reality the chancellor is a Mephisto-esque character in the way he deceives Hendrik and by his devilish power.  What made me realize the irony of the film was how the green light made The Chancellor looks like Mephisto. His baldhead, and his pale circular face, is very similar to the demon like character that Hendrik plays. Although, Hendrik plays a demon he has many Faustian characteristics. He is easily persuaded, and manipulated just as the ancient legend of Faust was.

Mephisto, is a movie that plays with the themes and style of the German expressionist movement. The use of makeup, the mise-en-scene, and the lighting are very particular and quite unique. The way the chancellor is portrayed by the green lighting gave me the sign that he is the demon and the actor Hendrik is simply a blind follower who is only motivated by the power of future success and greed.  The lighting is essential in bringing out qualities within the players to emphasize the point of the ironic nature of the film and the themes it identifies.

Also I think the look of Mephisto is used in Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal looks quite similarImageImage


Hey guys! My name is Nicholas Garcia and I’m a freshman psychology major from Miami, Florida.  To name a few, some of my hobbies include playing sports, reading and traveling. At a young age, however, one of my biggest hobbies was always watching movies. I decided to take this film class because I wanted to further understand the full movie experience as well as each film’s unique message. My three favorite movies are definitely Raiders of the Lost Ark, No Country for Old Men and Silver Linings Playbook. My three least favorite movies are Syriana, Batman and Robin and Super Babies: Baby Geniuses. I’m really looking forward to this class and I hope we all have a great semester!